New DDR Features!

Hello Again,

The Advanced Edition from NewTek has introduced a ton of new features that improve productivity and increase your production value. Among them are the new transitions built in directly to the DDR player. That’s right, you can now add custom transition between clips directly inside of the DDR player itself. No more using your transition bank to go between two packages. You can now line your clips up and use the DDR as a mini editor, if you will.

To use this feature, you simply need to select two transitions-2clips and add the transition by either right clicking the clip, or using the hot key “CTRL+T.” Once the default transition is between the clips, you can select the transition to change it to any of your transitions you have loaded in your transition bank. Another great feature on the media players is the “Show On” feature.  transitions-3

The powerful Show button instantly transitions a selected clip to the Main Switcher or an M/E, plays it, and then restores the target’s original source. This can be combined with the Instant Replay function to enable a seamless workflow for any sports production. For example, you can choose a DDR to “Show” on program with a custom “Transition In” and a custom “Transition Out,” and when you select your replay, it will automatically go in and out of program using the transitions you selected without you ever punching it up on your switcher. Very powerful feature for the sports productions that are a little lite on bodies.


Stay tuned to our blog, as we will continue releasing tips and tricks for your TriCaster workflow. For more information and assistance with this feature and more, contact our office today. We will be happy to assist you.

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